For no reason one of my hobbies is to observe people and give unsolicited astrology advice.
We are leaving the year of the Pig on 24 of January 2020 and entering the Rats. Here in Amsterdam big brown rats are frolicking and hopping the streets and houses. Here we are eco, we hardly use chemicals.
The Pig loved artistic Cancereans, nightlife loving Scorpio and emotional Pisces (and the gossip that comes after drama). Pigs are more conservative than Rats so invite family to your Christmas table. Close this Chinese year of the Pig with a great festive dinnerparty; bring gifts for everyone, try new artistic outfits and recipes! But go on a budget and be friendly to natures ways.
Pig earns all the money and Rat wants to have it, they work close to Piggies, but Rat is not as sweet. Careful for break-ins or acusatory neighbours.
Pig will not give in to art just yet. First, they will provide for the family and in later years a Pig person will take up painting (like designer Martin Margiela. I have some vintage garments of his work.) Where Pigs are dreamy, the Rat will take charge. And that's what you should do next year.
Be fast and hip when you want a reward from Rat.
Rattus rattus is always the first! Watch this clown steal your bread ( I let one in once and she stole my job). Rat enlines with the fire of Aries, swifty Saggitarious and enlighting Leo.
Rats love to recycle. So don't buy any new. Visit my workshop with your wardrobe and get some advice. We can upcycle some pieces and you can buy and sell vintage. Naturally, a Rat person is a bit adventurous and is not scared of anything. They will succeed in all things art, they are good talkers. They don't give a shit.
Rat people are so naughty! Get some great casual sex next year. Read a NotThatSexy-story on my blog about a Rat driver that got creepy.
Oxen will prepare for their year, up next! Everybody work hard. Go through dust. Get married to the Rat.
Tigers are hysterical and the most tenacious characters. They will push untill you give in. Good friends with Rat.

A Cat will always compete with the Rat and the Rat is more cunning.
Dragons (Gaultier, Tracy Emin) and Rats are allies. What seems like a boring unity might just be you are in harmony with someone. Keep that in mind for marriage. Together they go to glamour parties and dress flashy.
Snake wants to have sex with soft little Rat but will eat it in the end. Hard ache.
A Horse person is complementary to the Rat. The latter loves Horse (who doesn't) but will be trampled over. Horses are a master in putting aside emotion. Rat feels vindictive.
Of course Rat and Goat have sex, because Goat will always be a sweetheart, but Rat's true love is a Monkey. And Rat does not want to be the crown Goat is looking for. Dear solo Monkey, will you take gaunt looking Rat as your partner?
The Rooster is also a buddy to Rat, they look alike, but Cockscomb is more honest. Then comes the Dog, who wants to cuddle and talk loudly about anti-politics, which the two of them can do a lot.
Preppy Pig is best friends with Rat. Both make tons of money. Yet, they will be frugal together.
For your birth year and Chinese sign see Wiki.
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fashionpicture: hooded waistcoat, vintage from Ann Demeulemeester. Robe (top vintage Roberto Cavalli, below screenprinted silk by NotThatSexy) was upcycled/ handmade by me. Shop here.